Should I buy Globe’s coverage
or use my own insurance?
Accidents do happen. And we see lots of them. Below are 2 types of cover that allow you to opt out of insurance / coverage offered by the rental company. Beware that we have seen holidays ruined due clients not having the proper coverage. This is why we dedicated many efforts to provide transparent information so our clients are aware of the risks when they decline Globe Coverage.

Credit Card Coverage
This coverage works with some credit cards while not with others. Even the ones that do, they have limitations. For example: we have seen an AMEX Platinum Card from USA not cover an accident in Canada! The renter was shocked as he had to pay $6,000 for damages when he was adamant that AMEX covered him.
Another example are some credit cards only cover you as secondary insurance. This means if you own a car in your home city, you must file with your personal car insurance policy first!
Other limitations depending on the card:
No cover for additional drivers | |
No cover for SUVs | |
No cover if you pay any amount cash, must use card to pay full balance | |
No cover if you go over your credit limit or miss monthly payments | |
For a full list of potential issues see here. |
Personal Car Insurance
This coverage (available on some insurance policies but not all) allows you to transfer the protection of your personal car onto your rental car. This is intended, by most underwriters, to cover the car rental while your vehicle is in the repair shop or grounded in your garage.
Potential problems arise if your own car is being driven by someone else (spouse, family members, etc…) while you are driving the rented car. Should a major accident happen and result in an investigation showing both cars were on the road at the same time can lead to denial of claim. Worst, is if both cars have separate accidents on the same day, or both hitting each other in the garage or at home!
Key Points Most Renters Are Unaware Of:
Claims are recorded: A claim on the rented car is exactly like a claim on your own car. It goes on your record. Not so if you chose Globe coverage 🙂 | |
Insurance premium increase: Subsequent claims will almost always result in insurance premiums going up the following year and every year thereafter! | |
Deductibles: Unless you opt in for Globe’s PAP (Practical Assistance Package), any deductible when you are at fault will be from your own pocket. So if a rock flies off the highway and makes a small chip or crack on the windshield, your deductible comes in play – most people simply pay out of pocket to avoid making a claim! |
So, avoid these risks and get peace of mind with Globe’s coverage. You won’t regret it.