Extended Business Hours
Every location is Open 7 days a week – till 19H00!
Our car rental Montreal clients can now rent-a-car till 19h00 Monday to Friday! Saturday and Sunday till 13h00. They interact with real people who are on standby via our live streaming Kiosk (see demo). They will interact and see our car rental specialist who will walk you through the rental process – all in under 5 minutes! And, if you have questions, we are always there and happy to help.
Pssst: Weekday rentals are dirt cheap (select Mon-Thursday pickup for best pricing).

Same selection, service and lowest price car rental.
There is no additional charge for getting a car hire late in the evening or on weekends, simply select the hour you would like to pick-up / return the vehicle and let us do the rest. Globe is committed to providing you excellent service in person or remotely via our kiosks.