This offer is now expired
Find 3 eggs + the golden egg and win up to 35% off!
You still have one day left to participate to the egg hunt at Globe! Get your kids involved or anyone who wants to have some fun! Hurry, you can save up to 35% off on any rental pickup in April!
Steps to follow:
1- Go to our website:
2- There are 10 hidden eggs on various pages. Your challenge: Find at least 3 of them!
3- Once you have found the eggs, reply to this email with the URL of the pages containing the eggs
4- An exclusive promo code up to 25%* off will be sent back to you.
BONUS: Find the GOLDEN EGG and receive up to 35% off! Look carefully, this egg is very well hidden
Have fun!
* This offer is valid for online bookings only; subject to availability, this offer may be terminated without further notice; other promotions and corporate rates cannot be combined with this promotion; this promotion is subject to change without notice; all rentals are subject to Globe rent a car standard terms and conditions; up to 25% off applicable only if customer responds to the email with 3x URL links containing one egg each, up to 35% off applicable only if customer responds to the email with 4x URL links containing one egg each in addition to the golden egg, offer valid for reservation and pickups until April 30, 2023 for up to 21 days, at participating branches only.